body repatriation

Bringing loved ones home with italian care and quality



About us

Servizi Funebri Pozzoli has always dedicated itself to funeral repatriation services to and from foreign countries. This stems from the ownership’s strong international vocation that over the years has managed to transform a profession considered by most to be highly localized into a dynamic, multilingual and global concern with an extensive network of contacts all over the world.

About us Pozzoli

Our services

Our service consists of transporting the bodies or ashes of your loved ones safely, quickly and with all the documentation ready. This can only be done with years of experience and an established network of correspondents in every corner of the world. In particular, we deal with:

Body and coffin preparation

Our specialised personnel will carefully prepare the body of the deceased for the journey, take care of the dressing and, if required, the embalming of the body, and prepare the coffin in accordance with the latest regulations for transport, whether by air or land.

Travel and personal effects

Our staff will take care of the logistical aspects by choosing the most suitable route and means of transport for the transfer, assessing the client’s preferences. In addition, if necessary, they will book return flights (if possible on the same flight) for the travelling companions and will also take care of the return of the deceased’s personal belongings.


We will take care of every bureaucratic aspect, from the municipalities concerned to consulates and embassies. The documents will arrive at their destination ready for the subsequent burial or cremation.

Family support

We believe that in the time of grief, the family must come together and think only of their loved one, so we do everything we can to relieve families of any bureaucratic, administrative or logistical burdens.

Our clients

Over the years we have established many institutional clients such as insurance companies, consulates and embassies, but more and more families contact us directly for support with a sudden death.
Families Families Embassies and consolates Insurances Assistance Companies

Contact us

If you have any needs, doubts or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us on our official channels and one of our staff will get back to you shortly.

Our clients

Over the years we have established many institutional clients such as insurance companies, consulates and embassies, but more and more families contact us directly for support with a sudden death.
Families Families Embassies and consolates
Insurances Assistance Companies

Contact us

If you have any needs, doubts or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us on our official channels and one of our staff will get back to you shortly.